Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Nyx's wave of destruction

I awoke to a loud comm call, it ringed threw my tired ears....

DuPuy: "a mother ship is attacking in Hedal, many ship losses, get here now!" 
Koshua: *yawn* um i was asleep.... 
DuPuy: Nyx 
Koshua: ? wtf!! a mother ship!! 

Later that day... 

Ma Zhiqiang. was about as our fellow members of HUANGBeetles light and AtomicBetty. I again awoke from a deep sleep. It seemed as i was having de-ja-vu, A Nyx mother ship was attacking in Hedal

I answered the call from Molden Heath security to get in small frigates to attempt to take out  the huge array of fighters the Nyx could deploy. I jumped in to my Jaguar and looked across the hangers. Our brave members Beetles Light and AtomicBetty had also answered the call of "scramble all pilots!" 

We launched our selves into space, our warships dashing to the fight. We quickly assembled in Hedal, in a deep part of dead space. The commanders where discussing ways of how to knock out the mother ships fighters. The young warriors listened with eager intensity, the plan sprung... we where to use Vantlor {UNI} <NMTZ> in his battle ship as bait. 

We had assembled a number of repair ships with the aid of shield and armor drones in our safe spot, our combat fleet sat in anticipation... 

Then Vantlors smoking battle ship warped in, quickly the repair drones and remote repairers focused on his limping ship... then a swarm of fighters entered our space, the screams of engines and chatter of fire burst threw the comms.. I targeted a labeled fighter and my 200mm auto cannons kicked into action, others in the fleet also opened fire as we saw the rapid destruction of an enemy fighter costing about 80mil isk and as tuff as a Battle Cruiser.

 Vantlors limping battle ship had to warp to dock. Our force hadn't formed to the size we needed, the enemy fighters not scrambled followed Vantlor to the station. The smoking battleship was only just able to get into dock safely, the once mighty ship looking like a smoking wreckage.  We waited for further action... 

An enthralling discussion on doughnuts and mountain biking started in local, which ended in the crazed Nyx -mother ship- pilot claiming he "wasn't fat!" and seemingly offended, he left to Amarr space to sulk... 

We all looked at each other in disbelief..the wave of destruction from the crazed mother ship pilot had suddenly ended. All from an insult about his weight! 

I could hear the giggles from Beetles Light and AtomicBetty in the comms.. Ma Z who had now been promoted as the fleet commander ordered us to dock but stay in gang if he came back.. he didn't, many pilots fell asleep...... 

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