Saturday, May 28, 2011

first expeditions into the Great Wildlands

Corp channel was quiet, few fellow Vherokior where about. 

Ma Z and I had been out for a quick pirate chase which ended up with nothing and where looking for some action and soon some found us. A call form NMTZ commander Debes Sparre came threw the channels, he had some intel about a -V- freighter carrying POS equipment maybe coming threw B-Vip9 to Egbinger

Ma and I requested the commander on what ships to bring, Debes was in a Intercepter, he asked us to take our Jaguars, he had a Typhoon battleship piloted ny nosjaz-DEC-X- who was equipped with a mobile warp bubble, and the great warrior Inspector Recon from the Phoenix tribe joined us too with his Typhoon. 

We set the warp bubble next to the 9SNK-0 gate, Debes instructed me in a fast locking tackler Jag to sit at the bubbles edge. Ma and Inspector where set to protect us from behind. The camp was a long one, we cooked many marsh mellows. 

Then a -V- pilot desilver, entered system from Egbinger way, in a cloaking Manticore stealth bomber. She warped to 100km of our gate camp, and cloaked. She sat their gathering intel, I showed up as the most inexperienced pilot. Foolishly she decloaked and let a cruise missile off at me. It rocked my Jaguars resisters however the shields held strong. she attempted to warp away, both me and Ma saw the direction she went, I warped to the asteroid belt in the direction, Ma warped to the Planet. 

Soon after our comms lit up with a excited voice, Ma Z had engaged and killed the Manticore, as he had landed on her coming out of warp. desliver's new clone was activated. 

Excited by our success, and because of Debes Sparres absence, Inspector Recon decided to do a roaming patrol threw the Great Wildlands. Our friend nosjaz had become ill from some spoiled Egbinger take away food and left us soon into the patrol. Inspector, Ma Z and I where the only ones left. However, 2 Jaguars and a Nano Phoon (very fast BS) was still a strong force to be reckoned with, so we continued on. 

We explored the vast space of Great Wildlands. to places like VXO-OM system and TET3-B system next to Scalding Pass, we even popped into the Scaling Pass system F-5FDA to have a quick look. 

The Wildlands where quiet, we saw very few people until we entered 0-3VW8. In this system we spotted 3 xDEATHx alliance members known enemy's. not long after we where engaged by sniper battle ships. Again my Jaguar was primary target (me the nOOb) and again its small signature and hi resists prevented most damage. We gained 2 of their sniper points, they where cowards and ran. 

We decided to continue on to N-RAEL to get back to Republic space, in the wildlands security channel news of a 10 battle ship strong INFOD (Infinitus Odium -the bringers of hate-) gang was heading down the pipe we had just come from. So we decided N-RAEL was the best idea..... 

It wasnt, we flew into a warp bubble run by a Goonswarm / Red Alliance. I was absolutly shocked as many in the gang where set to positive standings, and showed as blue. I didn't have a Micro warp drive to escape the bubble and the tacklers who engaged me my Jaguar rapidly destroyed it. Over 27 strong gate camp our patrol was destroyed, and my clone was activated, I awoke in Istodard.. 

Ma lost his Jaguar but escaped in his Pod, Inspector Recon held out for a while longer, however the aggressors moved their camp, Ma Z and Inspector Recon tried to make a run for it, Inspectors Typhoon was destroyed in the escape... 

We contacted our diplomats to inform them we had been engaged and killed by "friendlies" the wondrous Elisabeth Rihannon negotiated a small compensation from Red Alliance for our losses. 

All in all it was very exciting, and highlights the perils of 0.0 space, this left me with a taste of what could be...

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