Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sweet taste of revenge

I sat in my ships hanger, looking mournfully at the empty place of my Jaguar once took up, and my sexy tech 2 fit Destroyer had been. The bitter taste of defeat overwhelmed my sensors. 

I had been talking to a young Vherokior who was keen on joining Huang Yinglong, the young pilot, full of energy and excited about the prospects of hunting pirates and joining in on our wars soon had my spirits up again. Then a call came across alliance security comms, In Gelfiven, a Trinity Nova member had been attacking alliance members out side a station whilst sitting in docking range. A cowards tactic! 

My blood boiled, as my eyes landed on my trusty Stabber. Soon the security channel was filling with the calls of a gang to form, and many brave NMTZ warriors started joining the fleet. In a hot headed rush, I dove into my pod, and soon was fit into my Stabber, set to tackle and a top speed of 2500ms i was hoping for my luck to turn. 

I turned to Nui Fu Member Beetles Light and asked her to wish me luck, both Beetles and my new Vherokior pilot friend responded with their best wishes, as they had heard of my recent run of bad luck. I quickly undocked and warped toward Oddelulf

New information was coming in, the target had been named, "cold Lazarus" flying an Amarr Apocalypse Battle Ship, just out side Gelf III station. The commander's call over the comms was all get to jump range of Gelfiven, and hold. An undercover NMTZ operative from ELINT corp jumped into Gelf in their cov ops ship to get us a warp in. 

The Cov Ops pilot was in position, but we had the problem of how to stop the Apocalypse Battle ship from docking once we warped in. The plan was set. Cyrus Al'thor -ENTEC- flying a heavy tanked rupture would lure the Trinity Nova mercenary into an attack, the commander on the comms stated " I want this attack to happen and be over in 4 and a half minutes, no f**king around guys". 

Cyrus jumped into Gelf, and warped to the cov ops Pilot, landing him ontop of cold Lazarus's Battle Ship. Cyrus activated a Weber and engaged as did the enemy Battle Ship. Then the call came, "all jump in and warp to optimal" i hit jump as the first few words entered the comms then warped to my optimal. I jumped to 15, the plan was to ram the enemy ship out of alignment so he couldn't dock. 

I entered out of warp and targeted and approached enemy, i hit the Micro Warp drive activation and my Stabber streaked across space at the enemy Apocalypse, smashing into it hard, the Battle ship again bounced about away from its docking point. I activated my Nosferatu energy Vampires and my Vulcan Autocannon's screamed into life, My warp scrambler and Weber had also entangled the Apocalypse preventing it from escape. More gang members entered the fight, the Cov Ops pilot suicide bumped the Battle ship one more time to prevent it from docking then a massive explosion rocked the station. Shrapnel hit the shields of my Stabber as debris of the once mighty battle ship scattered into space. 

Loud raws of victory entered the comms as excited pilots congratulated each other on the precision strike, the commander proud as his 4.5 min deadline was met. We took no losses, Cyrus Al'thors Rupture held up to the attack, as my Nosferatu had drained the enemy's ability to use its Laser beams. The Apocalypse was also fit with some projectile turrets to shoot if some one like me had drained its capacitor, however their damage was poor. 

I flew back to HQ, with a feeling of having been avenged for my recent losses, taking down a ship worth over 10 times more than my total losses put together. I docked in my hanger and went threw the process of leaving my pod. I walked into the Cang Zhi office to see the inbox overflowing, my message bank full and the boss was on comms asking me why I hadn't been doing my work of late. I sat in the office staring out into space, watching ships undock and dock at the station. The wonder lust that had taken over me after i had been shot the crap out of, my personal funds where low from the loss of an expensive jaguar assault frigate. 

I decided i had better focus on business as usual, and get back to normal day to day operations.....

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