Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Addiction to War - Story of Koshua

      My first calling to war, saw a side of me i never knew. Even before the first shot where fired my blood fas filled with an electric vibe. This was no high sec griefer war, or some pirate vs industrialist war, this was Mercenary Coalition vs Red Dwarf Mining corp who joined Namt'zaar Kin Alliance for aid against them.  As the events unfolded I remember sitting in a cloaked Vigil in Teonusude counting and noting the ships Mercerany Coalition moved into Gelfiven. My eyes like saucers i spent days and hours watching as at the time the most fabled and feared mercenary unit in the universe moved in to declare war on our new alliance. All thorts of running a Merchant house vanished. I was overcome with the blood lust of war.

I lost many other ships in this war, but it was so long ago i can't remember or find them. But to this day Strad is the bar i set all opponents against. Kill me as much as you like, if you can't do it with the style and flair of Stradivarious your nothing.

The greatest day for me during the time as Dui Zhang of Chang Zai was in this war. The Black Lotus foundation a corporation in NMTZ had been attempting to unanchor a POS in Istodard when Mercenary Coalition pilots come across it. There had been a large battle before i entered my ship. Ma Zhiqiang had already taken part in the fight as i got into my pod. Feverishly the NMTZ force regrouped in station after their initial loss under the leader ship of Huangs CEO. Uncle Rastus of Universal Exports went back the battle sight in his covert ops ship, he triangulated him self into position so i in a industrial ship could warp to with in 15km of him and land on top of the unanchored POS. 

The plan was to warp in combat cover to distract the mercenaries as i undocked and attempted to reclaim the stricken tower and not let it fall into enemy hands. Ma Zhiqiang then CEO if HUANG commanding the operation, lead the combat pilots in for the second round against the Mercenarys.  I undocked my industrial ship and aligned. Uncle Rastus called out on comm's for me to warp, so in an unarmed slow hauler i warped into the biggest fight i had ever witnessed. Ships all over, my HUD flashing with hostile's. I landed right on the tower,my heart in my mouth I scooped it and in the heat of battle. Fear gripping my soul i waited for my Hoarder to align, missiles, lasers and projectiles buzzing past my cockpit. My hauler finally hit warp and escaped with minimal damage my hands shaking i docked the industrial in Istodard Republic fleet. Ma Zhiqiang called for the brave NMTZ warriors to retreat our mission was complete. Black Lotus where very glad that the tower loss was avoided. After that days events... hauling minerals wasn't good enough for me. I had been seduced bu the thrill of battle...

I left my duties as Dui Zhang of Chang Zai and joined the stealthy and covert Nui Fu House of Huang Yinglong.

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