Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Addiction to War - Story of Koshua

      My first calling to war, saw a side of me i never knew. Even before the first shot where fired my blood fas filled with an electric vibe. This was no high sec griefer war, or some pirate vs industrialist war, this was Mercenary Coalition vs Red Dwarf Mining corp who joined Namt'zaar Kin Alliance for aid against them.  As the events unfolded I remember sitting in a cloaked Vigil in Teonusude counting and noting the ships Mercerany Coalition moved into Gelfiven. My eyes like saucers i spent days and hours watching as at the time the most fabled and feared mercenary unit in the universe moved in to declare war on our new alliance. All thorts of running a Merchant house vanished. I was overcome with the blood lust of war.

I lost many other ships in this war, but it was so long ago i can't remember or find them. But to this day Strad is the bar i set all opponents against. Kill me as much as you like, if you can't do it with the style and flair of Stradivarious your nothing.

The greatest day for me during the time as Dui Zhang of Chang Zai was in this war. The Black Lotus foundation a corporation in NMTZ had been attempting to unanchor a POS in Istodard when Mercenary Coalition pilots come across it. There had been a large battle before i entered my ship. Ma Zhiqiang had already taken part in the fight as i got into my pod. Feverishly the NMTZ force regrouped in station after their initial loss under the leader ship of Huangs CEO. Uncle Rastus of Universal Exports went back the battle sight in his covert ops ship, he triangulated him self into position so i in a industrial ship could warp to with in 15km of him and land on top of the unanchored POS. 

The plan was to warp in combat cover to distract the mercenaries as i undocked and attempted to reclaim the stricken tower and not let it fall into enemy hands. Ma Zhiqiang then CEO if HUANG commanding the operation, lead the combat pilots in for the second round against the Mercenarys.  I undocked my industrial ship and aligned. Uncle Rastus called out on comm's for me to warp, so in an unarmed slow hauler i warped into the biggest fight i had ever witnessed. Ships all over, my HUD flashing with hostile's. I landed right on the tower,my heart in my mouth I scooped it and in the heat of battle. Fear gripping my soul i waited for my Hoarder to align, missiles, lasers and projectiles buzzing past my cockpit. My hauler finally hit warp and escaped with minimal damage my hands shaking i docked the industrial in Istodard Republic fleet. Ma Zhiqiang called for the brave NMTZ warriors to retreat our mission was complete. Black Lotus where very glad that the tower loss was avoided. After that days events... hauling minerals wasn't good enough for me. I had been seduced bu the thrill of battle...

I left my duties as Dui Zhang of Chang Zai and joined the stealthy and covert Nui Fu House of Huang Yinglong.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Enter the Dragon - Story of Koshua

            During my routine Dairy, small arms and long limb roe deliveries i must have been spotted by a watchful eye. During one of my daily journeys threw both high sec and low sec Molden Heath i was contacted by a majestic and enigmatic Vherokior warrior. In his plane brown robes, emblazoned with a golden dragon stitched from toe to neck, his wiry figure flickered onto my holo screen.  I being basically a fumbling clumsy cow herder and Dairy delivery boy was entranced with this Vherokior's offer of being trained in the sacred ways of combat and survival of our tribes. I shook with anticipation as this master of the Golden Dragon style trained me over my ships holo coms. I remember doing ship maneuvering training with other prospects for his cause, now revered and famous pilots like Krindor , Tetseptus, master nyrr and others. Killing frigates in my Rifter class frigate in Republic Fleet missions against pirate cartels whilst aiding Master Ma Zhiqiang grand master and founder of Huang Yinglong. The Golden Dragon.

I soon left my job in 
Farmers Union delivering dairy products to stations to follow my dream in joining the ways of Huang Yinglong star date 2006.07.24

Like any farm boy joining an organisation or going to war, every thing was very very different from all I had known before. Tending cattle and herding them every morning to the milking sheds was nothing like the responsibility of being a pod pilot for the mighty Huang Yinglong. I was offered an apprentice ship in one of the 4 houses of Huang Yinglong:-

 i was fearful of joining the Jin Hu as i had been a farm boy and my only weapon's i knew was my knife and crook. The shadowy ways of the Niu Fu i also knew little about. I could steal an egg from a chicken or maybe a pie cooling on the farm house window but stealth and espionage was pretty foreign to me. Qian Lao was out of anything i had experience with, i had maintained and worked on farm equipment but engineering and manufacture wasn't my forte'. I did know how to haul dairy products and the new house of Chang Zai run by The Rat King was looking for members. At that moment i felt that my little experience as a pod pilot i would be most useful in this role..

Oh how wrong was I...

Not long after leaving our Pator office, we moved to Istodard. My Dui Zhang (commander) Da Rat King a was suddenly sucked into a space anomaly. All trace and contact with him vanished for months. We did get a scrambled message from him later saying he was lost in a wormhole on but he was never seen again. This young dairy delivery pilot was suddenly thrust into the role of Dui Zhang (commander) of Chang Zai the merchant house...

My new responsibilities daunted me, the way of the coin was not the same as transporting milk. I dove into the mess of papers and ideas that Da Rat King had left and did my best to make sense of it all. About this time our corporation also joined the fabled alliance Namtz'aar kin in Molden Heath. My skills grew at moving ships like Hoarder and Mammoth class cargo ships about in low sec, i gathered some mining and trade contacts, but ultimately never grasped the role of Dui Zhang of Chang Zai. As i flew heavy slow ships in low sec space, i learned other things... i learned how to scout, gather information, risk assessment, covert maneuvering and then war came...

to be continued.....

Friday, December 17, 2010

Friends and Enemy's part 1

Yoshikawa Eveangelicon

Devoted Samurai Guard

Yoshikawa is an enigmatic Jin Mei. Follower of the ancient Bushido code. Unquestionable loyalty in the service of Ice Fire Warriors Corporation. He provides, heavy fire power, Capital assets and logistics in Militia fleets.

Not much is known about Yoshikawa. However from a hacked psychiatric file its known that his parents were young and rich. Not so common for Jin Mei people his parents adopted the hedonistic ways the Gallente empire is known for. Parties, drinking, drugs was their lifestyle, They liked to fly to low tech planets and "buzz" them with wild flashing lights and crazy "beep beep" noises in shiny space ships. They neglected there child who was often left watching fantasy Holo's to keep him quiet and entertained in the cargo bay.

Yoshikawa developed his own sence of morality from ancient Manga and Samurai holos which  he replayed over and over....leaving him with a slightly distorted out look on life....

A look into Yoshikawa's code snippets found on his walls...

Way of the Samurai ;-

The way of the Samurai is found in death. Meditation on 
inevitable death should be performed daily. Every day when 
one's body and mind are at peace. Meditation on Earth 
quakes, Tsunami, falling from cliffs, dying of disease, or 
committing Seppuku at the death of one's master. And every 
day without fail one should consider him self as dead. This 
is the substance of the way of the Samurai.

It is bad when one thing becomes two. One should not look 
for anything else in the way of the Samurai. It is the same 
for anything else that is called a Way. If one understands 
things in this manner, he should be able to hear about all 
Ways and be more and more in accord with his own.

It is a good wiewpoint to see the world as a dream. When you have something like a nightmare, you will wake up and tell yourself that it was only a dream. It is said the world we live in is not a bit different from this.

"Matters of great concern should be treated lightly." 
 "Matters of small concern should be treated 

taking an enemy 
on the battlefield is like a hawk taking a bird. Even though it 
enters into the midst of a thousand of them, it gives no 
attention to any bird other than the one that it has first 

In the words of the ancients, one should make his 
decisions within the space of seven breaths. It is a matter 
of being determined and having the spirit to break right 
through to the other side.

Even if a Samurai's head wee to be suddenly cut off, he 
should still be able to perform one more action with 
certainty. If one becomes like a revengeful ghost and shows 
great determination, though his head is cut off, he should 
not die.

-When one has made a decision to kill a person, even if it 
will be very difficult to succeed by advancing straigt ahead, 
it will not do to think about going at it in a long roundabout 
way. The Way of the Samurai is one of immediacy, and is 
best to dash in headlong.

-Our bodies are given life from the midst of nothingness. 
Existing where there is nothing is the meaning of the phrase, 
"form is emptiness." That all things are provided for by 
nothingness is the meaning of the phrase, "Emptiness is 
form." One should not think these are two separate things.

There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the 
present moment. A mans whole life is a succession of 
moment after moment, there will be nothing else to do, and 
nothing else to peruse.

the Beginning, story of Koshua

"My style is the best and ill kill anyone who dares stand against me"

I was raised on the grassy planes of a terrestrial planet in the Eldulf system. I lived as a child amongst traditional Vherokior nomadic tribe as a son of a cattle herder. Amongst the other children in the tribe, i stood apart, not that i didn't fit in, but as one of the elder tribes men put it, i was a stargazer. Destined to travel in space. The elder said he had seen it before, others like me had grown up amongst the steppes and grassy planes who left the tribes to become an immortal space pilot..

Not long after graduating from Vherokior tribe Academy's Astronautic school I remember sitting in my Scythe, cruiser class vessel,  orbiting the belts of Istodard attempting to mine Fiery Kernite and dreaming of becoming rich. 

I with my trusty but odd Samurai Jin_mei companion who i had befriended not long after getting into my first space ship would mine and haul in the system for a month or so. We befriended Pacal Balan who sat in Teonusude space in a cloaked battle ship. At times would offer to repair our ships after being attacked but other wise had little contact with him as i was a simple Dairy Delivery boy, part time prospector. My first employment was for the corporation Farmers Union. A freelance pod pilot corp, focused on station resupply of dairy products. 

My first taste of the real dangers of space was a day when  prospecting in the belts of Teonusude with my one of the CEOs of Farmers Union where we came across the notorious high sec Pirate crew Hybrid Syndicate. They had flipped one of my cans and my Jin-Mei samurai friend attempting to reclaim the stolen ore in his vexor was destroyed by Hybrids Assault frigates. We attempted to get revenge with the aid of our CEO but our ship scanners showed many more pirates then we could dream of taking on so we docked in frustration.

A little later we came across them in the Belts again, their concord timer had expired so if we shot them the police would be on us with no mercy. One of the pirates sat motionless in his Jaguar Assault frigate next to a cargo container in space another in an Ishkur Assault frigate was on scan but not in visual range. I called my CEO who was a much more skilled pilot and combat veteran to come to my aid as i waited for the trap to unfold. 

I knew his trick, he wanted me to try to take my ore back from his container. My Scythe had weapons and shield upgrades but i knew i had no hope in defeating him, a mining Cruiser vs a full blown combat frigate. The face off continued, Yoshikawa my Samurai friend was in a new Vexor combat Cruiser willing the fight to happen, however DuPuy co-CEO of Farmers Union noticed a Battle cruiser lerking about the planet the Asteroid belts orbited. On further investigation we found the Battle Cruiser another Pirate, Saint Schala waiting for the trap to spring. With all the fire power now against us, i had to swallow my pride and leave the ore for the Pirates, and headed to station.

I continued on running dairy goods and other cargo for various agents in Teonusude a major hub system in the Molden Heath region. Scraping a living together slowly, advancing my ship equipment and ships. Most of the time i was in small fast cargo vessels so when i had to do trips into low sec i was to hard to catch, but i remember all to well my first ship i lost. On a routine dairy supply to Bosena Republic Fleet Assembly Plant, i had just come out of the acceleration gate from Teonusude. Before i could even blink, my ships alarms and warning lights where ablaze. A Tempest battle ship sitting over 100km off the gate had me locked and before i could take action boom. The ship vanished from about me. Ill never forget her name. Olixia Castitatis. I have hunted her a number of times, she has often been in enemy corporations like Beyond Divinity Inc and Infinitus Odium's alliance the Church. Still i never managed to get my revenge.

to be continued...