Saturday, December 18, 2010

Enter the Dragon - Story of Koshua

            During my routine Dairy, small arms and long limb roe deliveries i must have been spotted by a watchful eye. During one of my daily journeys threw both high sec and low sec Molden Heath i was contacted by a majestic and enigmatic Vherokior warrior. In his plane brown robes, emblazoned with a golden dragon stitched from toe to neck, his wiry figure flickered onto my holo screen.  I being basically a fumbling clumsy cow herder and Dairy delivery boy was entranced with this Vherokior's offer of being trained in the sacred ways of combat and survival of our tribes. I shook with anticipation as this master of the Golden Dragon style trained me over my ships holo coms. I remember doing ship maneuvering training with other prospects for his cause, now revered and famous pilots like Krindor , Tetseptus, master nyrr and others. Killing frigates in my Rifter class frigate in Republic Fleet missions against pirate cartels whilst aiding Master Ma Zhiqiang grand master and founder of Huang Yinglong. The Golden Dragon.

I soon left my job in 
Farmers Union delivering dairy products to stations to follow my dream in joining the ways of Huang Yinglong star date 2006.07.24

Like any farm boy joining an organisation or going to war, every thing was very very different from all I had known before. Tending cattle and herding them every morning to the milking sheds was nothing like the responsibility of being a pod pilot for the mighty Huang Yinglong. I was offered an apprentice ship in one of the 4 houses of Huang Yinglong:-

 i was fearful of joining the Jin Hu as i had been a farm boy and my only weapon's i knew was my knife and crook. The shadowy ways of the Niu Fu i also knew little about. I could steal an egg from a chicken or maybe a pie cooling on the farm house window but stealth and espionage was pretty foreign to me. Qian Lao was out of anything i had experience with, i had maintained and worked on farm equipment but engineering and manufacture wasn't my forte'. I did know how to haul dairy products and the new house of Chang Zai run by The Rat King was looking for members. At that moment i felt that my little experience as a pod pilot i would be most useful in this role..

Oh how wrong was I...

Not long after leaving our Pator office, we moved to Istodard. My Dui Zhang (commander) Da Rat King a was suddenly sucked into a space anomaly. All trace and contact with him vanished for months. We did get a scrambled message from him later saying he was lost in a wormhole on but he was never seen again. This young dairy delivery pilot was suddenly thrust into the role of Dui Zhang (commander) of Chang Zai the merchant house...

My new responsibilities daunted me, the way of the coin was not the same as transporting milk. I dove into the mess of papers and ideas that Da Rat King had left and did my best to make sense of it all. About this time our corporation also joined the fabled alliance Namtz'aar kin in Molden Heath. My skills grew at moving ships like Hoarder and Mammoth class cargo ships about in low sec, i gathered some mining and trade contacts, but ultimately never grasped the role of Dui Zhang of Chang Zai. As i flew heavy slow ships in low sec space, i learned other things... i learned how to scout, gather information, risk assessment, covert maneuvering and then war came...

to be continued.....

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