Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Nyx's wave of destruction

I awoke to a loud comm call, it ringed threw my tired ears....

DuPuy: "a mother ship is attacking in Hedal, many ship losses, get here now!" 
Koshua: *yawn* um i was asleep.... 
DuPuy: Nyx 
Koshua: ? wtf!! a mother ship!! 

Later that day... 

Ma Zhiqiang. was about as our fellow members of HUANGBeetles light and AtomicBetty. I again awoke from a deep sleep. It seemed as i was having de-ja-vu, A Nyx mother ship was attacking in Hedal

I answered the call from Molden Heath security to get in small frigates to attempt to take out  the huge array of fighters the Nyx could deploy. I jumped in to my Jaguar and looked across the hangers. Our brave members Beetles Light and AtomicBetty had also answered the call of "scramble all pilots!" 

We launched our selves into space, our warships dashing to the fight. We quickly assembled in Hedal, in a deep part of dead space. The commanders where discussing ways of how to knock out the mother ships fighters. The young warriors listened with eager intensity, the plan sprung... we where to use Vantlor {UNI} <NMTZ> in his battle ship as bait. 

We had assembled a number of repair ships with the aid of shield and armor drones in our safe spot, our combat fleet sat in anticipation... 

Then Vantlors smoking battle ship warped in, quickly the repair drones and remote repairers focused on his limping ship... then a swarm of fighters entered our space, the screams of engines and chatter of fire burst threw the comms.. I targeted a labeled fighter and my 200mm auto cannons kicked into action, others in the fleet also opened fire as we saw the rapid destruction of an enemy fighter costing about 80mil isk and as tuff as a Battle Cruiser.

 Vantlors limping battle ship had to warp to dock. Our force hadn't formed to the size we needed, the enemy fighters not scrambled followed Vantlor to the station. The smoking battleship was only just able to get into dock safely, the once mighty ship looking like a smoking wreckage.  We waited for further action... 

An enthralling discussion on doughnuts and mountain biking started in local, which ended in the crazed Nyx -mother ship- pilot claiming he "wasn't fat!" and seemingly offended, he left to Amarr space to sulk... 

We all looked at each other in disbelief..the wave of destruction from the crazed mother ship pilot had suddenly ended. All from an insult about his weight! 

I could hear the giggles from Beetles Light and AtomicBetty in the comms.. Ma Z who had now been promoted as the fleet commander ordered us to dock but stay in gang if he came back.. he didn't, many pilots fell asleep...... 

Watch a river long enough, you will see the bodies of your enemies pass

The day started with a request to pick up the rest of the minerals in Hrober, the corp had purchased for its hurried Hurricane building. I checked to see intelligence channels, no war targets online. 

I jumped into my Mammoth, and set my destination. The journey there was safe. However as i entered Hrober, i saw in local 2 -VW- members (German Pirate coalition). I warped to the station the minerals where and as i came out of warp, i saw a enemy, wienner of -VW- in a Ferox, over 60km from me. 

I docked and collected my minerals, i suspected -wienner-VW- to maybe camping me, but i decided he would come under fire from station sentry guns if he was stupid enough to engage me. So after a cup of coffee, i left station, and to my delight, wienner was there. Foolishly he locked me, i had already activated my shield resists.He fired a storm of missiles which crashed against my shields. I winced, hoping my warp core stabilisers would work. The missiles barley disrupted my shields. My warp core stabilisers kicked into operation and I warped off. Behind I saw an explosion, as the enemy Ferox went up in flames from the station fire. I laughed so hard  my pod fluids bubbled. Not long after i docked at HQ eager to tell my story. 

I went to the officers lounge and had some breakfast and more coffee. I sat about and read the alliance and corp communications i had received on my data log. Then over the comms came a call. Enemy POS attack on again!! the tower has come out of invulnerability mode! 

I asked what was needed, commander Vantlor -UNI-  requested a warp disrupting bubble be set up to protect fleet from incoming enemy. I saw in our corp hangers that master nyrr had made one, so i grabbed it and told Vantlor if it was lost alliance would have to replace. I jumped into my Jaguar and loaded the small Mobile warp disruptor, and with Huang warrior Tetseptus and new friend Vheroir i set off to the siege. 

Once there i requested repairer drones be on me when i arrive at the pos. I wasn't looking forward to loosing another Jaguar. I warped to the fleet and moved 20km behind them, so I anchored the warp disruptor and warped to a planet. 

The battle ships pounded the POS, a number of "Dark Forces" alliance cruisers where lost to the POS fire, NMTZ commanders ordered all cruisers out! Tetseptus left the siege heavily battered, Vheroir in his Cyclone held up well. I was warping to planets as Grant Smith -INFOD- in a Raven was about, and another hostile had been popping into system. I warped to a planet and accidentally decloaked Grant Smith, his Raven suddenly appeared below me. We both panicked and warped in the same direction. However he landed at a asteroid belt, and i ended up at the Planet next to it. A game of cat and mouse developed with me and Grant, i was the cat! 

Then over the comms and in the distant space came a massive explosion. Alliance pilots cheered as the hostile tower died. we had been victorious! 

I had planned a convoy to run, however Huang pilots had been ill and other sleeping, i had chosen a bad time. But then over comms a warning was sent out. A large enemy fleet was on its way to 66u

I scrambled into my Stabber, and set off again. the gang was 19 ship strong, and we where coming from both sides, we had the enemy in a classic pincer movement. Myridian Dynamics had 9 battle ships coming from 66u, NMTZ pilots from Isto and Hedal had a 10 ship strong force. The fleet engaged early in the 0.0 system, enemy ships delivered massive damage, we took heavy losses, i ended up tangeling with another Stabber, who was tech 2 fit, i wasnt...My Stabber died as i attempted to flee, I managed to escaped home in a pod, with Futher Bezluden, Mythral and a number of other NMTZ pilots who lost their ships. On our way through the many systems home we declared an egg race (in our fragile pods) to our home Istodard, winner gets breakfast cooked for them. The allied force however continued the battle, and in the end we annihilated them, to last ship, they lost more than we did, and alliance salvage crew picked the rewards. 

I sat back safe in HQ as final reports of the battle filtered in... the saying from Sun Tzu teachings echoed in my a river long enough, you will see the bodies of your enemies pass....

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sweet taste of revenge

I sat in my ships hanger, looking mournfully at the empty place of my Jaguar once took up, and my sexy tech 2 fit Destroyer had been. The bitter taste of defeat overwhelmed my sensors. 

I had been talking to a young Vherokior who was keen on joining Huang Yinglong, the young pilot, full of energy and excited about the prospects of hunting pirates and joining in on our wars soon had my spirits up again. Then a call came across alliance security comms, In Gelfiven, a Trinity Nova member had been attacking alliance members out side a station whilst sitting in docking range. A cowards tactic! 

My blood boiled, as my eyes landed on my trusty Stabber. Soon the security channel was filling with the calls of a gang to form, and many brave NMTZ warriors started joining the fleet. In a hot headed rush, I dove into my pod, and soon was fit into my Stabber, set to tackle and a top speed of 2500ms i was hoping for my luck to turn. 

I turned to Nui Fu Member Beetles Light and asked her to wish me luck, both Beetles and my new Vherokior pilot friend responded with their best wishes, as they had heard of my recent run of bad luck. I quickly undocked and warped toward Oddelulf

New information was coming in, the target had been named, "cold Lazarus" flying an Amarr Apocalypse Battle Ship, just out side Gelf III station. The commander's call over the comms was all get to jump range of Gelfiven, and hold. An undercover NMTZ operative from ELINT corp jumped into Gelf in their cov ops ship to get us a warp in. 

The Cov Ops pilot was in position, but we had the problem of how to stop the Apocalypse Battle ship from docking once we warped in. The plan was set. Cyrus Al'thor -ENTEC- flying a heavy tanked rupture would lure the Trinity Nova mercenary into an attack, the commander on the comms stated " I want this attack to happen and be over in 4 and a half minutes, no f**king around guys". 

Cyrus jumped into Gelf, and warped to the cov ops Pilot, landing him ontop of cold Lazarus's Battle Ship. Cyrus activated a Weber and engaged as did the enemy Battle Ship. Then the call came, "all jump in and warp to optimal" i hit jump as the first few words entered the comms then warped to my optimal. I jumped to 15, the plan was to ram the enemy ship out of alignment so he couldn't dock. 

I entered out of warp and targeted and approached enemy, i hit the Micro Warp drive activation and my Stabber streaked across space at the enemy Apocalypse, smashing into it hard, the Battle ship again bounced about away from its docking point. I activated my Nosferatu energy Vampires and my Vulcan Autocannon's screamed into life, My warp scrambler and Weber had also entangled the Apocalypse preventing it from escape. More gang members entered the fight, the Cov Ops pilot suicide bumped the Battle ship one more time to prevent it from docking then a massive explosion rocked the station. Shrapnel hit the shields of my Stabber as debris of the once mighty battle ship scattered into space. 

Loud raws of victory entered the comms as excited pilots congratulated each other on the precision strike, the commander proud as his 4.5 min deadline was met. We took no losses, Cyrus Al'thors Rupture held up to the attack, as my Nosferatu had drained the enemy's ability to use its Laser beams. The Apocalypse was also fit with some projectile turrets to shoot if some one like me had drained its capacitor, however their damage was poor. 

I flew back to HQ, with a feeling of having been avenged for my recent losses, taking down a ship worth over 10 times more than my total losses put together. I docked in my hanger and went threw the process of leaving my pod. I walked into the Cang Zhi office to see the inbox overflowing, my message bank full and the boss was on comms asking me why I hadn't been doing my work of late. I sat in the office staring out into space, watching ships undock and dock at the station. The wonder lust that had taken over me after i had been shot the crap out of, my personal funds where low from the loss of an expensive jaguar assault frigate. 

I decided i had better focus on business as usual, and get back to normal day to day operations.....

only luck i get is bad luck

For the most part, the Trinity Nova war has been but a little nuisance for me, but however, after asking for an escort one day from fellow Huang warrior Dohl Khrensen, because i knew enemy where active and i had needed to pick up some items which where scattered about the place belonging to the corp. 

Dohl fitted his Rupture class cruiser, and I was flying one of the many Mammoth class industrial ship's I owned. We entered Oddelulf where we spotted Arkaiser member of TnT, we Insta Warped to Bosena gate as it was in our path, however to our bad luck, Arkaiser was there. we jumped through the gate into Bosena, and Dohl thinking he was doing the right thing attempted to gang warp us to a Safe.

Arkaisers, Taranis class Interceptor was too fast for my slow moving Industrial ship, he tackled me and destroyed me as Dohl warped away and I uncloaked from the gate. My clone was activated and again i woke up in Istodard as usual. I only lost a cheep set up Mammoth that was empty. This incident wasn't Dohls fault, I had made the decision as i had seen only 2 TnT where active, and because many times before had avoided them. All this highlights that convoys at times will be set up on the spare of the moment, and as many members must protect the Merchant ships as possible. I also need to be more patient awaiting the correct time to move. 

Soon after, i was feeling the need for revenge. I had set up a new tech 2 fit out Destroyer, and i had practiced a few times on its locking speed and also how effective a remote sensor booster ship would help me. Both me and legendary Huang warrior Vikingbjorn decided a 0.9 sec lock on a frigate was pretty cool, so I asked in the NMTZ naval channel if any one wanted to camp in Oddelulf -> Gelf gate. My request was met by Talaan Stardrifter -UNI- and Arkdeker -ENCINA- both in Manticore stealth bombers. 

Before we could open the marsh mellow packet, Arkaiser -TnT- jumped into our camp, however he was out of my range and to fast for the stealth bombers. Arkaiser cloaked. I heard a order to jump to Atlar gate and jump back to be in a better position to fire. Arkaiser, however, followed me into warp, knowing my destination. I landed at the Atlar gate with out Vikingbjorns sensor boosting ship, Arkaiser engaged and i let a cycle of devastating fire at him, my Tremor rounds smashed his shields. But he was fast, it was then I learned snipers are useless at close Thrasher had no armour or shield tank, and again.. I was killed. In hindsight i wish i never left our camp and my support. However in war all is be it...

first expeditions into the Great Wildlands

Corp channel was quiet, few fellow Vherokior where about. 

Ma Z and I had been out for a quick pirate chase which ended up with nothing and where looking for some action and soon some found us. A call form NMTZ commander Debes Sparre came threw the channels, he had some intel about a -V- freighter carrying POS equipment maybe coming threw B-Vip9 to Egbinger

Ma and I requested the commander on what ships to bring, Debes was in a Intercepter, he asked us to take our Jaguars, he had a Typhoon battleship piloted ny nosjaz-DEC-X- who was equipped with a mobile warp bubble, and the great warrior Inspector Recon from the Phoenix tribe joined us too with his Typhoon. 

We set the warp bubble next to the 9SNK-0 gate, Debes instructed me in a fast locking tackler Jag to sit at the bubbles edge. Ma and Inspector where set to protect us from behind. The camp was a long one, we cooked many marsh mellows. 

Then a -V- pilot desilver, entered system from Egbinger way, in a cloaking Manticore stealth bomber. She warped to 100km of our gate camp, and cloaked. She sat their gathering intel, I showed up as the most inexperienced pilot. Foolishly she decloaked and let a cruise missile off at me. It rocked my Jaguars resisters however the shields held strong. she attempted to warp away, both me and Ma saw the direction she went, I warped to the asteroid belt in the direction, Ma warped to the Planet. 

Soon after our comms lit up with a excited voice, Ma Z had engaged and killed the Manticore, as he had landed on her coming out of warp. desliver's new clone was activated. 

Excited by our success, and because of Debes Sparres absence, Inspector Recon decided to do a roaming patrol threw the Great Wildlands. Our friend nosjaz had become ill from some spoiled Egbinger take away food and left us soon into the patrol. Inspector, Ma Z and I where the only ones left. However, 2 Jaguars and a Nano Phoon (very fast BS) was still a strong force to be reckoned with, so we continued on. 

We explored the vast space of Great Wildlands. to places like VXO-OM system and TET3-B system next to Scalding Pass, we even popped into the Scaling Pass system F-5FDA to have a quick look. 

The Wildlands where quiet, we saw very few people until we entered 0-3VW8. In this system we spotted 3 xDEATHx alliance members known enemy's. not long after we where engaged by sniper battle ships. Again my Jaguar was primary target (me the nOOb) and again its small signature and hi resists prevented most damage. We gained 2 of their sniper points, they where cowards and ran. 

We decided to continue on to N-RAEL to get back to Republic space, in the wildlands security channel news of a 10 battle ship strong INFOD (Infinitus Odium -the bringers of hate-) gang was heading down the pipe we had just come from. So we decided N-RAEL was the best idea..... 

It wasnt, we flew into a warp bubble run by a Goonswarm / Red Alliance. I was absolutly shocked as many in the gang where set to positive standings, and showed as blue. I didn't have a Micro warp drive to escape the bubble and the tacklers who engaged me my Jaguar rapidly destroyed it. Over 27 strong gate camp our patrol was destroyed, and my clone was activated, I awoke in Istodard.. 

Ma lost his Jaguar but escaped in his Pod, Inspector Recon held out for a while longer, however the aggressors moved their camp, Ma Z and Inspector Recon tried to make a run for it, Inspectors Typhoon was destroyed in the escape... 

We contacted our diplomats to inform them we had been engaged and killed by "friendlies" the wondrous Elisabeth Rihannon negotiated a small compensation from Red Alliance for our losses. 

All in all it was very exciting, and highlights the perils of 0.0 space, this left me with a taste of what could be...