Thursday, September 1, 2011

One man's Freedom Fighter is another Man's Terrorist

Many years ago,

During Huang Yinglong's first battles against the Amarr slavers, Koshua earned a title amongst new Edan holo coms as a Terrorist against the Amarr empire. Belonging to the Minmatar loyalist alliance of Namtz'aar k'in, the Amarrian slavers sick of our alliances's out spoken resentment against them, sanctioned a war against us and other Minmatar loyalist allinace's (see PIE inc link Electus Matari war 2006) . The notorious PIE inc and Vigilla Valeria Alliance where the spear head of the aggression.

For some days NMTZ  alliance suffered in there home systems under the Amarrian organised and disciplined fleets. Our rag tag defence was poor, and though Axen Vormar the legendary fleet commander was able to put up some resistance we where suffering. I being only recently qualified for the the Jaguar assault frigate had already lost one to a failed Station undock battle. Hoping to hold an enemy Battle cruiser for other members of the resistance My shields didn't hold and I perished.... letting the enemy escape.

To my disgust when I was available for battle, few others where. In my arsenal was also a Hound Stealth Bomber which I decided to take all the way to the home of the oppressors.. Amarr Prime. The central Solar system the entire Amarr empire is based from.

I sat for days cloaked, waiting and waiting. Hoping for a target I could take on. However my missile's did not penetrate the armour of many who I shot at. Though in command of a powerful ship, my skills lacked and I was unable to make best use of it.

In desperation I headed home to refit a new Jaguar, but this time I had a trump card. I loaded its cargo hold full of Viral Agent. I was not going to let this superior enemy get the better of me. I was going to fly my cargo from Istodard in Molden Heath over 20 jumps to Amarr Prime. I was going to make them pay for the oppression and enslavement of our people.No matter the cost, no matter the loss...

No turning back now....

Unchallenged I entered Amarr Prime solar system, I chose the most populated station. To my amazement I easily warped to the station and docked with no question from customs or Amarrian military. I searched the station and chose a new pilot belonging to the PIE inc corporation we where at war with. Stealthily I tried to sneak over 60 containers of Viral agent into his hanger. Here I hoped to contaminate his planetary shuttles, his cargo hauling ships and any other vessel I could. Hopeing to spread the Virus as far and as fast as possible.

However not even half way threw my desperate mission, automated "sniffers" in the Amarrian station picked up the lethal cargo I was moving into station. Alarms sounded, air lock doors started to close down. The young Amarr pilot who's hanger I have broken into also alerted his alliance war ship pilots. My heart rate soured and adrenaline kicked in. I had to escape, and I had very little time to do so...

The manoeuvrability and speed of my Jaguar allowed me to scrap through the near closed dock doors. As behind me the station went on full environmental hazard Alert. However the Viral agent was still in my cargo. I had failed to complete what I planned to do.

When I finally managed to clear undock, PIE inc and Vigilla Valeria where waiting for me. News had quickly spread amongst there defensive channels about a Terrorist attempting to infect there home stations. My Jaguar was warp scrambled, webbed and neutralised upon undock.  I had no chance...

Soon I awoke in a new clone back in Molden Heath region, all covered in goo and sticky.

My mind was flashing with the shock of the failed attempt to take out the Imperial station and how close I had been to success. For weeks after many accusations on Gal Net where brought up against Koshua and NMTZ on the "terrorist" attempt against the Imperial station and planets of the Amarr empire. Pictures of the exploded ship, pictures of the contents of the cargo where flashed on billboards all over.

Many skilled diplomats from the Minmatar Republic played the issue down and not more then a week later the war was dropped.

Looking back at this mission, I now feel glad I wasn't successful. I could have also killed hundreds of thousands of Minmatar who are still enslaved by the Amarr. I now see that mass effect of biological warfare on a population will more often kill those who are not deserving of such a fate. Those who are deserving are often rich enough to survive the attack or avoid the effects.

However for me. I will never give up the fight. Some weeks I may lose more then I kill. But in service of the Minmatar militia, my war will not end.  Until I am happy that those who enslaved my tribe, those who oppress my people and those who corrupt my brothers and sisters to the false Amarrian Religion have paid the cost. I will never surrender. I will never quit..

We of Huang Yinglong will never falter, our way will never be silenced. Even if it takes a 1000 years, The secrets of the Golden Dragon will lead our tribes to victory.

Lest we forget.