Thursday, August 4, 2011

My style is the best, and ill kill anyone who dares stand against me!

Zui Quan The way of the Drunken fist,


Zui Quan is a category of techniques, forms and fighting philosophy that appear to imitate a drunkard's movements. The postures are created by momentum and weight of the body, and imitation is generally through staggering and certain type of fluidity in the movements. It is considered to be among the most difficult wushu styles to learn due to the need for powerful joints and fingers. While in fiction practitioners of Zui Quan are often portrayed as being actually intoxicated, Zui Quan techniques are highly acrobatic and skilled and require a great degree of balance and coordination, such that any person attempting to perform any Zui Quan techniques while intoxicated would be likely to injure himself


Even though the style seems irregular and off balance it takes the utmost balance to be successful. To excel one must be relaxed and flow with ease from technique to technique. Swaying , drinking, and falling are used to throw off opponents. When the opponent thinks the drunken boxer is vulnerable he is usually well balanced and ready to strike. When swigging a wine cup the practitioner is really practicing grabbing and striking techniques. The waist movements trick opponents into attacking sometimes even falling over. Falls can be used to avoid attacks but also to pin attackers to the ground while vital points are targeted.

Not a favoured art practised in the Huang Yinglong temples and looked down upon by other styles, Koshua has become a master of Zui Quan Space combat. Typically avoiding piloting larger vessels like capital ships and expensive Battle ship's, Zui Quan relies upon fast cruisers, and frigates as its preferred weapons.

Agility is the key of the Zui Quan along with foul breath (energy neutralisers) projectile vomit ( energy nosferatu) and drunk talk (tracking disrupting). However the art is broken down to 8 Drunken Vherokior god's or spirit styles. Each progress from each other, however each very different. The names of these 8 spirits are kept close to the followers of the style if not secret. They are not willing to shame or put into disrepute other Vherokior mystics for the flaws of the spirits they may idolise.


Zui Quan's history probably begins with the adoption of Minmatar slavery in Ammatar home worlds of the Derelik region. The Ammatar extensively adopted slavery to man their colonies, coming mainly from West and Central Devoid regions of the Amarr empire. Derelik, with its vast territory, was the major destination of Minmatar slaves, receiving 38.5% of all slaves sent by ships across the depths of space.

Zui Quan has a long and controversial history, since historical documentation in Derelik was very scarce in its colonial times. Evidences, studies and oral tradition leave little doubt about its Derelik roots, but it is impossible to precisely identify the exact location and time it began to take form.


In its first century the main economic activity in the Ammatar colony was the production and processing of dairy products. Ammatar colonists used to create large dairy farms, these farms which extensively used enslaved workers. Slaves, living in inhumane and humiliating conditions, were forced to work hard and often suffered physical punishment for any small misbehaviour. Even though slaves outnumbered the Ammatar colonists, the lack of weapons, the colonial law, the disagreement among slaves coming from different Minmatar cultures and their complete lack of knowledge about the land and its surroundings would usually discourage the idea of a rebellion.

In this environment Zui Quan began to develop. More than a fighting style, it was created as a hope of survival, a tool with which an escaped slave, completely unequipped, could survive in the hostile, unknown land and face the hunt of the colonial agents in charge of finding escapees, always armed and mounted.

Martial Art

Zui Quan is a fast and versatile martial art which is historically focused on fighting outnumbered or in technological disadvantage. Its name drunken fist comes mostly from how it is practised, under the nose's of the slave masters. Its students pretending to be drunk and stumbling about the place, dancing and imitation fighting in such an inebriated state.

The attacks in the Drunken Fist should be done when opportunity arises and must be decisive, like a direct kick in the face or a vital body part, or a strong takedown. Most Zui Quan attacks are made with the legs, like direct or swirling kicks,  leg sweeps, or knee strikes. The head strike is a very important counter-attack move. Elbow strikes, punches and other forms of takedowns complete the main list.
The defense is based on the principle of non-resistance, meaning avoid an attack using evasive moves instead of blocking it. Avoids depend on the direction of the attack and intention of the defender, and can be done standing or with a hand leaning on the floor. A block should only be made when the evade is not possible. This fighting strategy allows quick and unpredictable counter attacks, the ability to focus on more than one adversary and to face empty-handed an armed adversary.
A series of rolls and acrobatics (like the Cartwheel) allows the Drunken master to quickly overcome a takedown or a loss of balance, and to position themselves around the aggressor in order to lay up for an attack. It is this combination of attacks and defence which gives Zui Quan its perceived 'fluidity'.